Using the Perfect Earth-Friendly, Though Under-Appreciated Material
American Bamboo, Model of Sustainability
Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants on the planet. It is a grass that can grow three feet in one day. That’s about one inch every 40 seconds. Bamboo pulls large amounts carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and then produces up to 35% more oxygen than hardwood trees. Bamboo’s tolerance for marginal soil and its rapid growth make bamboo extremely valuable for carbon sequestration and the mitigation of climate change on every continent worldwide.
Bamboo is used for making hundreds of commercial products: beams for construction, drainage pipes, shelves for transport vehicles, wind turbine blades, shipping containers, paper, and cardboard. Bamboo is also used for consumer products such as: extremely durable furniture, flooring, parquet tiles, door and window frames, and countless household items. Bamboo is used in the textile industry to make many differing types of fabric and materials. We even eat bamboo shoots. Bamboo is thought by many to be “the sustainable material of the future.”
When bamboo is harvested the roots of the plant are not disturbed so there is no soil erosion, no disruption of the ecosystem. New stalks of bamboo simply sprout and grow out of the existing root system.

Better Trick Bamboo Inserts will never pollute or contaminate our planet. Better Trick Bamboo opens the door to genuine sustainability.
Bamboo is a grass. It is:
– Rapidly renewable
– Stronger than steel in tensile strength
– Harder than hardwood
– Growing across the globe
– Fast Growing – up to 3 feet a day
– Able to grow to 30 feet in 2-3 months
– Able to be harvested in 4 years compared to
— Pine trees in 30 yrs
— Hardwood in 40 yrs
– Allows for harvesting 25% a year
– Harvested without disturbing the roots – no erosion
– A way to reforest degraded lands
– Completely different from other building materials that produce half a ton of C02 per ton of building material produced: concrete, steel, aluminum etc.
– Able to absorb large amounts of C02 and to release 35% more O2 than hardwoods
– Used to make all kinds of useful items: furniture, beams for construction, flooring, walls, fabrics, kitchen implements, paper, cardboard. We even eat bamboo shoots.